Sometimes life gives you a clean slate. Sometimes you ask for it and other times you don't. Regardless, the old is gone and the new is either embraced or resented. We all know that life is a series of choices, but we're normally so consumed with the big picture that we forget that the little choices make the difference.

For example, I lost my job during the pandemic! It'd be so natural for me to choose:
1. Fear
2. Worry
3. Uncertainty
4. Discontentment
However, I decided I didn't like any of those options. Instead? When life gives you a pandemic, no job, and nowhere to be -

That's right.
No stressing and filling out random applications.
No fearing things that are far out of my control.
No focusing on one hundred tomorrows.
No comparing my season to another's.
Yes to taking risks.
Yes to a new start.
Yes to hard work.
Yes to real passions.

I decided that I would put my time and energy into a sincere love of mine: Photography.
Many of you have invested in me and I cannot ever thank you enough. Every single shoot taught me something new. All the families, couples, and seniors I've met have blessed me so much. When you see any future post, know that YOUR session helped me craft this skill that I love so much. So thank you for your investment!

I started photography when I was 18 years old for my brother's engagement shoot. He and his fiancé were on the fence about having any engagement photos taken, so I practically begged them to let me document their engagement. I had a $100 Coolpix camera from Walmart and it died halfway through their shoot in the middle of a field. The other half of the shoot was taken on my brother's cell phone. I edited them all on PicMonkey (props if you know what that is!) and I loved the contrast and saturation levels a little too much. But by some glorious miracle, my first inquiry came shortly after and that's where it all began. The inquiry was from Samantha and Kenny Piercy (who went to the same youth group as me). I took free wedding pictures because I was too scared to charge, and then I ran on stage to sing, then I came down and took more photos. LOL. But that was the beginning of a journey for me because I fell in love!

Now I am more confident than ever in my skills as a photographer. I have SIX SHOOTS booked next month in Shelby, NC and still booking. So, if you're looking to support small business owners, look no further. Let GO of all your insecurities to have your picture made! Trust me, you're a model, you just gotta let me prove it to you! LOL. Do if for your kids who have no photos with you. Give it as a gift to someone who missed out on their senior graduation. Surprise grandma with a photo of the grandkids for her to spruce up her wall! There is just something amazing about a tangible memory. What a CONCEPT! I'd love to capture this moment in time for you. Whether it's a crazy season and you don't have everything figured out, or life is at it's peak! Soon enough your season will change, and you can either look back at the mountain you climbed or look back over the season of blessing.
Can't wait to see you soon,
PS. Here is a link to my brother's engagement session where it all began (...cringe):