Meet the Huitt Family!! I will always be in shock when I come back to my hometown after an extended period of time and I get to meet multiple new additions to families I've known my whole life! Karis is the oldest girl and the last time I saw her, she was in a baby carseat in church! When all three of these sweet girls piled out of the van in their matching yellow outfits, I was reminded of how precious these photos really will be in only a few short years... I just know that in another year or two when I'm back in town, this will hardly resemble them!! There is nothing quite as precious as childhood, and I could tell in the short hour we spent together that these sweet sisters are having a childhood worth savoring. They could not have been sweeter. <3

This one is just too precious... <3

Joey, you're totally outnumbered!! LOL!

This one is specifically for the girls to giggle at HAHA!

Holly + Joey, you two are so incredibly blessed! These girls are a joy!! :)
Check out the Godinaz Family Session in Colorado Springs: https://www.mackenziewray.com/single-post/godinaz-family-colorado-springs-co