I'm convinced that everyone has something uniquely beautiful about their current season!!
My current season allows for travel, living with my best friends, and creating my own business.
I'm also convinced that everyone has something MISSING from their current season!!
I've learned that the easiest way to truly CELEBRATE your season is the lack of COMPARISON!
If you're a student, make tons of friends and give your all in everything! College is one of the most unique and fleeting times in your life, so don't waste it stressing over grades or wishing you were off working a job... Your time will come SO quick! Trust me, LOL!
If you're a single, young adult, go travel the world and switch jobs a couple times! Start a business, take chances, and simply be brave enough to fail! Find roommates who want more than just pay rent, but will travel the world with you and support your ambitions. Don't waste your time wishing you were married and in a settled career! It will come.
If you're married, or have a few kids, celebrate the gift of family. It truly is a gift. You may not travel the world right now, you may wish you'd given a different job a chance, and the changing body of a mother mixed with the endless questions of the kiddos can seem overwhelming some days. But every single, young person I know can't wait to have a family like yours one day. Those little eyes that look just like yours looking up at you is probably one of the most stunning gifts I know. Treasure it!
All that to say, I hope you enjoy scrolling through and seeing my roommates and I maximizing OUR current season. I hope you feel inspired to celebrate your unique blessings too.

I would have to say that Waipio Valley was one of the most beautiful sights on the Big Island.
We had to hike down a super steep mountian to get to the black sand beach, but it was SO worth it! There were wild horses all along the trail and locals having potluck by a GIANT waterfall!
Fun fact: My sister Makayla (we call her KK) has been watching a lot of Survivor recently and starting opening up coconuts with a rock... It was probably one of our favorite memories because it's soooo KK! LOL!

KK (my sister) is always laughing and she HANDS DOWN makes me laugh more than anybody else I know!

We found the cutest little coconut shack on the side of the road!! There was no wifi this deep into the jungle, so these sweet, trusting people said, "No worries! Just Venmo us when you get back to town!" Oh, sweet Hawaii!

It's very hard for me to escape my love for wedding photography...
So I posed Oksana's engagement ring in this gorgeous garden we found!!

If you know me, you know that my roommates and I are a package deal. Our household has one nurse/worship leader, one nanny, a Lifeway summer camp intern and one photographer. Our ages span over a decade, and we all have very different schedules, BUT we have our faith in common and that is the only commonality we needed to become FAMILY. We believe that serving each other is a far better focus than making constant mental notes of who still needs to do their dishes. We all know how draining that cycle can be!! While we are nowhere near perfect, and NONE of us claim to be, we all aim to focus on the One who is perfect. It creates far more space for grace and far less pointed fingers.

We dedicated one whole day to exploring the other side of the Island..
We went to see the hot springs and the Volcano National Park!!

The Volcano was a little foggy, but it made for some fun photos!!

Oh yeah!! And our ride was pretty sweet.... :)

The waves were SO powerful crashing up against the cliff! It was incredible!

The Roommates in Hawaii - Part III - Posting SOON!!
For travel tips, Airbnb recommendation, and our favorite spots in Kona in the first blog post!
The Roommates go to Hawai'i - Part 1: https://www.mackenziewray.com/single-post/travel-the-roommates-go-to-hawai-i-part-1